Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gus Dur & Suharto Will Be a Degree of Heroes

Two former President of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur and Suharto will be considered to be the title of hero. Title will be considered the Council Degrees and Honorary Service Signs newly appointed President SBY.

"Regarding the proposed Gus Dur and Suharto was proposed to the title heroes will also be considered by the Board of the new title. It will be checked based on the objective facts of history, "says president spokesman, Julian Aldrin Pasha.

It was mentioned by Julian in the Office of the President, Jl Veteran, Jakarta Pusat, Wednesday (10/2/2010). The results of the proposed society, will be submitted to the President. Council has appointed his own title and consists of 7 people. They consist of 2 elements of academic, military and 2 element 3 element of community leaders.

They are Air Marshal Djoko Suyanto TNI (Chairman), Hayono Suyono (Vice Chairman), and a member Juwono Sudarsono, TB Silalahi, M Quraish Shihab, Jimly Ashshiddiqie and Edi Sedyawati.

While members of the Board of Degree Ashshiddiqie Jimly said President SBY provide direction as a nation that has civilization does not stingy high to reward fluently and less so grateful.

"We are pleased to punish and reward are not pleased. People who have contributed and contribute to the country should be given the award," said Jimly.

Regarding the proposal Wahid and Suharto to be given the title of hero, so far the Council has received proposals Degree from various community groups.

Was it discussed? "No," he said.


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