Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keris, Wayang, and Batik Ornaments at House, Hotel, and Building

Minister of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia Jero Wacik ordered that all houses, government buildings and non-governmental, hotels, and embassies ornaments decorated with batik, keris, and wayang Indonesian puppets.
This is conveyed in the certificate handover ceremony of the UNESCO cultural heritage of batik, keris, and a puppet in the office of the Ministry of People's Welfare Coordinator, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Friday (5/2/2010).
"I've made a circular to all of our homes, all buildings, all hotels must have keris, batik ornaments, and puppets. Embassies, legations I also have asked for. Everything, in front of the lobby must be puppets, batik, and kris," said Jero Wacik.
Command is meant for encouraging the preservation of cultural heritage which three are recognized the world. Jero say, one of effective efforts in preserving the cultural heritage is the third is by frequent use or use a third cultural heritage.
"Batik is more easily preserved because we like to use it. The most difficult is the puppet and kris," said Jero Wacik.
Today the Indonesian government received three certificates of UNESCO as a form of recognition of the cultural heritage of Indonesia, namely batik, keris, and wayang.
In addition, UNESCO is also providing a certificate of Best Practices for cultural preservation efforts that have been made batik Indonesia through training for students in cooperation with the Museum Batik Pekalongan.

China Executed 25 People On Kidnapping

The court in southern China has sentenced 25 people to death for the series of abductions. In one case of abduction, a kidnapping victim was killed.

So reported the official news agency of China, Xinhua News Agency and reported by AFP, Friday (5/2/2010).

Decision to die is decided for the 9 cases of kidnapping. The trial took place in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province.

Xinhua did not give details about the kidnapping cases are. But it is mentioned that a kidnap victim was killed due to violence defendants. Family compensated fatalities more than 150 thousand yuan.

Local courts also sentenced to imprisonment up to 26 other people 20 years old.

The death penalty is widespread in China. Even according to human rights groups, the number of prisoners executed in China each year more than the number of executions carried out around the country in the world.

According to a leading human rights organization, Amnesty International, the total capital punishment is carried out in China in 2008 was more than 1,700 people. According to Amnesty, there were 68 crimes in China that can carries a penalty of death, including fraud, bribery and drugs.

'Jamila dan Sang Presiden' wins Asian Film Festival in France

Film 'Jamila and the President' or Indonesian title is 'Jamila dan Sang Presiden' had won two awards in the International Asian Film Festival in Vesoul, France, which lasted for a week (26 / 1 - 2/2/2010). Two achivement that the Prix de Public and Lycéen Jury Prix.

Besides won two awards, a film written and directed by movie makers and activists, Ratna Sarumpaet was also successful in attracting the attention of Art et Essai, a network of French cinema in particular showing independent films.

"Art et Essai states will show the film 'Jamila and the President' in all cinema in France"said Gita Loka Murti Social Cultural Information Function of Indonesian Embassy at Paris told AFP tonight or Thursday (4/2/2010) morning.

Ratna Sarumpaet himself stated very satisfied with the results achieved 'Jamila and the President' the construction cost USD 6 billion. Ratna said the cost of making movies pessimist would return, but expect the circulation of films in Taiwan and France will be able to boost ratings 'Jamila and the President' and have chance to release in other countries.

Besides Indonesia, the festival was also attended by participants from China, India, Korea, Turkey, Iran, Taiwan, Philippines and Japan.

Asian Film Festival in Vesoul is an international activity held every year in the city. Operation of this year is that the 16 times the number of viewers reached 26,000 people.

The films that win in this festival will again be shown to the public in France Musée Guimet of Asian Arts in Paris on 7 to 9 April 2010.

The coming Obama to Indonesia, Profitable Tourism

President of the United States Barack Obama is scheduled to come to Indonesia in the second half of March 2010. The arrival of the man who had lived in Indonesia will benefit the tourism sector.
"The benefit is if he came to Indonesia, our country is considered safe," said Minister of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia Jero Wacik at Cipanas Palace, Wednesday (3/2/2010). It had a positive impact on the tourism sector.
In the upcoming visit of President Obama, will also be launched comprehensive strategic or comprehensive partnership that idea came from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during a meeting with President Obama's past November 2008.
The partnership is also intended to further glue the rope cooperation of both parties. Not just about one issue, but also a more equal relationship, both in the field of energy, technology, trade, investment, education, and so forth.

Source : detikcom

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